Friday, May 2, 2014

How To Choose The Right MLM Company

Why Do We Need To Choose The Right MLM Company?

Choosing one of the Top MLM Companies is one of the first steps in creating a successful home based business. Unfortunately, there are so many “Top MLM Companies” to choose from.  Not a week goes by that I don’t hear about the next great business opportunity, and to be honest it’s very difficult to stay focused and build a solid network marketing business from all the chatter that’s out there in the marketplace.
However, Is the company really not a factor for your success? You might have the skills, you are good in recruiting people, but the company you are into has flaws, then, your efforts will be wasted. Imagine, your group grows big, but your company went bankrupt because of a flawed compensation plan, what will happen to you? No matter how good you are, you must also be in the right company so that your good skills are not wasted.  a successful home based business. Unfortunately, there are so many “Top MLM Companies” to choose from.  Not a week goes by that I don’t hear about the next great business opportunity, and to be honest it’s very difficult to stay focused and build a solid network marketing business from all the chatter that’s out there in the marketplace.
If you are entering a network marketing business, choose a stable company, pro-distributor and with a stable compensation plan. Why will you waste your time in a stable company that is not pro-distributor? Where your earnings are not growing fast? Despite getting so many downlines, you are not getting paid enough. And if you stop for a month for some unavoidable reasons, you get penalized, your points go back to zero and you get demoted. Why waste your time on these companies?
You might be earning well, but there are companies with unstable compensation plan. They might be able to pay you these days, but if the network grows big, the company could lead to overpaying their distributors and become bankrupt. When you go to the office, you will see a “closed permanently” sign. It happens all the time. That’s why there are so many people who are already negative in networking.
I’m not against the idea that your success still depends on you. But before you join a company, I suggest you study it first. Is it stable? Do they have quality products? Do you have a wide market, or are you tied to Philippine market only? Are the products unique and exclusive to the company? How about the owners? Do they have experience in network marketing? Do they provide trainings? Do you see them in the office?
You need to acquire the skills and attract people to your networking business. But before that, choose the right company first so your efforts are not wasted.
This is like a car race, where the car is your company. Even if you are good in driving but your car has a problem, you will still reach the finish line slowly. What if your car stalled in the middle of the race? So, choose the right car first. Then, enhance your skills, because no matter how good your car is, if you don’t have the right driving skills, still, you will not reach the finish line.
How To Choose The Right MLM Company?
Hint #1  of Choosing one of the Top MLM Companies – Who is Making Money?
If it’s all life-time network marketing professionals, or incredible leaders that were already wildly successful in the careers, it should be a huge red-flag.  Those leaders will tell you wait 3-5 years to be successful, it takes time, we’re about to hit momentum, etc.  This is a ginormous line of you-know-what in my opinion and if your goal is to make money, go elsewhere…it should be available much quicker than 3-5 years of decent effort.  However, I do see the appeal of building a smart part-time income where you LOVE the product, and the money is secondary to your reason for building the business.
Hint #2 of Choosing One of the Top MLM Companies - Does the Product Have MASS Appeal, Some Uniqueness to It, but most importantly…Does it have a good “story”?
There are so many products being marketed in the Network Marketing Industry, and a wide variety of services as well.  Just down below I discuss the types of top MLM Companies and what we all should be looking for, but the one thing I have seen work the best is that the opening “Story” of the top MLM companies always has the ability to get a prospect to take a closer look at what you’re doing.
First, understand that MLM is not a person or an industry. It’s a METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION where you are the captain of your ship.
It’s a way for people to get paid in the deeper layers of a sales organization; and they should!  People that get involved in linear sales like cars, alarms or real estate will never see residual, passive income.  If your efforts create a chain reaction of sales, you should get a chain reaction of income.  Right?
So, the justification for joining an MLM business has to come from a deep business common sense sheltered by prejudgment of the industry and how it really works.
Let’s Break Down the Top MLM Companies in 4 Major Categories:
1.  The Old MLM Companies like Amway, Shaklee, Nu Skin, Avon, Herbalife, Morinda, Forever Living, Mary Kay etc. These companies have been around a long time and will be around forever. These MLM companies are very tough to grow now in my opinion. Many are bureaucratic, not progressive, and most have horrible compensation plans.  Compensation plans that depend on you constantly recruiting wide DO NOT WORK for the masses in the MLM Industry anymore!  If your compensation plan doesn’t promote TEAM, helping your downline forever with overrides for both parties…Look elsewhere!  Binaries, and Hybrid-Binaries are the New Plans out there, and where people are having massive success.
2. The “good” companies that despite their good products never made it big. Their recruiting pitch is we are “stable,” we’ve been around a “long time,” we have a “great product,” BUT there is something either in their product or compensation plan or management or marketing strategy that just doesn’t jive. They are stuck and can’t move forward.
In reality they will never hit critical mass.  If you are to make a lot of money in MLM, the top MLM Companies can reach critical mass early on, not 15 years from now.  Look at the top MLM Companies sales figures and compare them to your company.  Are they growing in double digit numbers annually?  Is the market large enough to sustain massive upside growth?  Is their product consumed often?  Is the payout based on recruiting? All are important factors, but use your common sense to answer this one.
3. Companies owned by billionaires or people with a high degree of success in other industries. These are the MLM me-too, pretenders and wanna be’s. Many billionaires, Wall Street tycoons, commercial moguls and celebrities have tried to come in MLM. They think because they made  it big before they can can easily be on of the top MLM companies.  Its rarely ever happens!
They don’t get it.  They do not have the right mentality for MLM, and they can’t relate to their distributors.  Success in corporate America doesn’t always translate to being one of the top MLM companies. You need the HEART for it, not just the money.
4. Finally, here is my type of company.  I like a company that is young, yet has everything in place to become the next icon in the industry. They have nailed the right product, comp plan, have good capital, great functions, ownership with an extensive MLM background, and the leadership  to understand human nature and care for people.
So who do you listen to? The answer is YOU!  If the product is good, it will sell. Roll in a killer comp plan, great marketing and great leadership behind a good product and how can you fail?
If this product is in the hands of the right company, there’s no one that can stop you, but yourself. If you have energy and passion, you can succeed.  PASSION overcomes a lot of rejections!  When your Passion becomes your Purpose, SUCCESS is the ONLY option!
Don’t get influenced by the naysayers, your negative friends or family, and focus on your “WHY”.
It will cost you a fortune and your career in Network Marketing if you allow doubt and negativity to creep into your mind.
You are the orchestrator of your own life decisions. This review of how to choose one of the top MLM Companies will only give you the right perspective without all the hyped-up crap you will read throughout the internet.
My suggestion is to stick to this industry, choose the right company and chase wealth and freedom!  “Don’t Ask for things to be easier, ask that you become better” ~ Jim Rohn  
Read something positive everyday, focus on the activity not the results, make new connections often without expecting anything in return, and try to make someones day…every day!

The Cause of Disease

This might seem hard to believe but,
cellsWe as humans don’t actually age, we don’t get sick and we don’t get diseases – our cells do. Our body’s health is dependent on our cell’s health. So to slow down aging, limit sickness and prevent disease we must protect and properly feed our cells. If you were to put buttermilk in your car’s gasoline tank – it would get a “disease” and stop working.
Cells are made up of many atoms. When these atoms are healthy the cells replicate (make an exact copy) and keep the body young, well and disease free. What makes an atom healthy is that it has “paired” electrons.
Diseases used to be accepted by most as unfortunate but inevitable facts of life. We now know that diseases were not “caught” rather they are reflections of the condition of our body cells.
Most people know they must do regular maintenance for their new car. But few took care of their bodies that are much more complex than cars.  If you put butter in car’s gas tank, your car will be “sick” and stop working. Similarly if you don’t supply your body with the right amount of nutrients it needs, you will be sick and get diseases.  On the other hand, if you don’t change filters on time, your ventilation system will be clogged up and too much dusts will be built to make it eventually stop functioning.
Our body is made of millions of cells. The building blocks of cells are atoms. human cellsWhen atoms are healthy, our cells replicate more healthy cells allowing the unhealthy cells to die then to be discharged from the body. What makes an atom healthy is that it has paired electrons (yellow dots).
Atoms missing an electron are known as Free Radicals. Free radicals destroy surrounding atoms by stealing their electrons. Cells that replicate in a damaged state are the cause of all chronicle diseases such as cancer, heart attack, osteoporosis, and many others that develop over a long period of time.
oxidative stress
Where are Free Radicals come from?
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Sunlight
  • Exercise
  • Pollution
  • Airline Travel
  • Medication
  • Foods
  • Additives
  • X-rays
  • Pesticides
  • Insecticides
  • Mercury from seafood & teeth filling
  • Chlorine from water
One cigarette generates one quadrillion free radicals, i.e.  1,000,000,000,000,000 !!!!!
“Scientists now believe that free radicals are causal factors in nearly every known disease, from heart disease to arthritis to cancer to cataracts. In fact, free radicals are a major culprit in the aging process itself. By controlling free radicals, antioxidants can make the difference between life and death, as well as influence how fast and how well we age.” 
- Lester Packier, Head of Pakcer Laboratory, Dept of Molecular and Cell Biology,University of California, Berkeley
Free radicals make fat sticky so they start building up on the artery walls. Thcell attackedese deposits cause blockage of blood flow, leading to heart attack or stroke. When cell’s DNA is damaged by free radicals, cancer cells develop and replicate resulting in many forms of cancer.
When we are not feeling well, suffering from allergies, heart attack or cancer, they are symptoms not cause of the illness. Symptoms alert us that something isn’t right in our body. They are ways for our body to signal our brain to take immediate actions, such as to cleanse, detoxify the free radicals and to supply quality nutrients for the cells.
 The Solution
The solution to fight against free radicals is Antioxidants. Antioxidants have antioxidants_fruits“extra” electrons to give to Free Radicals to turn them back into healthy atoms and thus neutralize their harmful effects.  Therefore antioxidants are your body cell’s guardian angels against disease.
Where do antioxidants come from? They are found in fruits and vegetables as well as nuts, oils, beans and berries. They can also be found in high quality Supplements andNutraceuticals. World Health Organizations (WHO) recommends to eat at least 5 Fruits and 5 Vegetables a day in order to achieve optimum health.
Insufficient vitamins intake is apparently a cause of chronicle diseases…Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diets alone. Pending strong evidence of effectiveness from randomized trials, it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.”  -  America Medical Association
 A deficiency of vitamin or mineral will cause a body part to malfunction and eventually break down – and, like dominos, other body parts will follow.”
- James F. Balch, M.D. Prescription for Nutritional Healing
“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.”

You We Are? We Are what we Eat...

Eat a Variety of Foods
No single food can supply all nutrients in the amounts you need. For example, oranges provide vitamin C but no vitamin B12; cheese provides vitamin B12 but no vitamin C.
To make sure you get all of the nutrients and other substances needed for health, choose the recommended number of daily servingsyour from each of the five major food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and beans.
Vegetarian Diets and 
Nutritional Requirements
Some Americans eat vegetarian diets for reasons of culture, belief, or health. Most vegetarians eat milk products and eggs, and as a group, these lacto-ovo-vegetarians enjoy excellent health. You can get enough protein from a vegetarian diet as long as the variety and amounts of foods consumed are adequate. Meat, fish, and poultry are major contributors of iron, zinc, and B vitamins in most American diets, and vegetarians should pay special attention to getting these nutrients from vegetarian sources.
Vegans eat only food of plant origin. Because animal products are the only sources of vitamin B12, vegans must supplement their diets with a source of this vitamin. In addition, vegan diets, particularly those of children, require care to insure adequacy of vitamin D and calcium, which most Americans obtain from milk products.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
It is important for people of all ages to maintain a healthy weight. People who are overweight increase their risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems, and other illnesses.
To maintain a healthy body weight, people must balance the amount of calories in the foods and drinks they consume with the amount of calories the body uses. Physical activity is an important way to use food energy.
Extreme thinness is also unhealthy. People who eat very little or diet excessively may not get the calories and other nutrients they need for good health.
Aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, swimming, inline skating, and playing soccer, burns fat and calories. Try to do 30 minutes or more of moderate physical activity on most—preferably all—days of the week.
To Decrease Calorie Intake:
  • Eat a variety of foods that are low in calories but high in nutrients—check the Nutrition Facts Label on the foods you eat.
  • Eat less fat and fewer high-fat foods.
  • Eat smaller portions and limit second helpings of foods high in fat and calories.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits without fats and sugars added in preparation or at the table.
  • Eat pasta, rice, breads, and cereals without fats and sugars added in preparation or at the table.
  • Eat less sugar and fewer sweets like candy, cookies, cakes, and soda.
  • Eat Plenty of Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits
  • Grain products, vegetables, and fruits are key parts of a varied diet. They are emphasized in this guideline because they provide vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates (starch and dietary fiber), and other substances that are important for good health. They are also generally low in fat, depending on how they are prepared and what is added to them at the table.
  • Fiber - Fiber is found only in plant foods like whole-grain breads and cereals, beans and peas, and other vegetables and fruits. Because there are different types of fiber in foods, choose a variety of foods daily. Eating a variety of fiber-containing plant foods is important for bowel function, can reduce symptoms of chronic constipation, and hemorrhoids, and may lower the risk for heart disease and some cancers.
  • Choose a Diet Low in Fat, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol
Some dietary fat is needed for good health. Fats supply energy and essential fatty acids and promote absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
More Americans are now eating less fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol containing goods than in the recent past.
Still, many people continue to eat high-fat diets. This guideline emphasizes the continued importance of choosing a diet with less total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
Avoid High-Fat Foods
Some foods and food groups are higher in fat than others. Fats and oils, and some types of desserts and snack foods that contain fat provide calories but few other nutrients. Many foods in the milk group and in the meat and beans group (which includes eggs and nuts, as well as meat, poultry, and fish) are also high in fat, as are some processed foods in the grain group.
Fat, whether from plant or animal sources, contains more than twice the number of calories of an equal amount of carbohydrate or protein. Choose a diet that provides no more than 30 percent of total calories from fat. The upper limit on the grams of fat in your diet will depend on the calories you need. Cutting back on fat can help you consume fewer calories.
For example, at 2,000 calories per day, the suggested upper limit of calories from fat is about 600 calories (65 grams of fat x 9 calories per gram = about 600 calories).
Maximum Total Fat Intake at Different Calorie Levels
Calories 1,600 2,200 2,800
Total fat (grams) 53 73 93
Saturated fat—Fats contain both saturated and unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) fatty acids. Saturated fat raises blood cholesterol more than other forms of fat. Reducing saturated fat to less than 10 percent of calories will help you lower your blood cholesterol level. The fats from meat, milk, and milk products are the main sources of saturated fats in most diets. Many bakery products are also sources of saturated fats. Vegetable oils supply smaller amounts of saturated fat.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat—Olive and canola oils are particularly high in monounsaturated fats; most other vegetable oils, nuts, and high-fat fish are good sources of polyunsaturated fats. Both kinds of unsaturated fats reduce blood cholesterol when they replace saturated fats in the diet. Remember that the total fat in the diet should be consumed at a moderate level—that is no more than 30 percent of calories.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat sources should replace saturated fats within this limit.
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as those used in many margarines and shortenings, contain a particular form of unsaturated fat known as trans-fatty acids that may raise blood cholesterol levels, although not as much as saturated fat.
Choose a Low Cholesterol Diet
The body makes the cholesterol it requires. In addition, cholesterol is obtained from food. Dietary cholesterol comes from animal sources such as egg yolks, meat (especially organ meats such as liver), poultry, fish, and higher-fat milk products. Many of these foods are also high in saturated fats. Choosing foods with less cholesterol and saturated fat will help lower your blood-pressure and blood-cholesterol levels.
Avoid Too Much Sugar
Sugars are simple carbohydrates. Dietary carbohydrates also include starch and fiber, which are complex carbohydrates. During digestion all carbohydrates except fiber break down into sugars.
Sugars and starches occur naturally in many foods that supply other nutrients. Examples of these foods include milk, fruits, some vegetables, breads, cereals, beans, and grains.
Some sugars are used as natural preservatives, thickeners, and baking aids in food. The body cannot tell the difference between naturally occurring and added sugars because they are identical chemically.
Because maintaining a nutritious diet and a healthy weight is very important, sugars should be used in moderation by most healthy people and sparingly by people with low-calorie needs.
Avoid Too Much Sodium
Sodium occurs naturally in foods, usually in small amounts. One form of sodium is sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt. In the body, sodium plays an essential role in regulation of fluids and blood pressure.
Most evidence suggests that many people at risk for high blood pressure reduce their chances of developing this condition by consuming less salt or sodium.
Some questions remain, partly because other factors may interact with sodium to affect blood pressure.
So, here’s the foods that contains the combinations of nutrients and other helpful substances. 

Life begins with a clean colon

According to some studies, Constipation is the Parent of All Diseases.
That’s because toxins absorbed from a stagnant or constipated colon enter the bloodstream, to circulate throughout the organism.  From there, these toxins can settle in virtually any part of the body, and can go on to cause or aggravate a whole host of chronic or degenerative diseases and may lead toCOLON CANCER if not prevented or treated immediately.
Feces, or the stool, being the principal solid waste of the body, is naturally heavy, dense and sticky, and therefore the most prone to stagnation and retention of any of the body’s four major wastes.  A healthy, well functioning colon is like the body’s waste treatment plant, but a stagnant, constipated colon is like a toxic cesspool that poisons the whole organism. So if you eat 3 times a day, you should go to toilet to dispose this waste 3 times daily as well.
Constipation can cause or aggravate many common digestive symptoms and complaints, including the following:  burping, belching, acid reflux; bad breath and chronic or recurring hiccups; stomach hyperacidity and heartburn; poor appetite and chronic indigestion; abdominal sluggishness, gas, distension and bloating; irritable bowel; intestinal fermentation, putrefaction and candidiasis; flatulence, often foul smelling; and an itchy, burning anus and/or hemorrhoids.
Other systemic diseases and disorders that can be spinoffs of constipation include: moodiness and irritability, morbid thoughts; chronic or recurring headaches, chronic or recurring swollen or sore throat; fatty liver, jaundice and/or bilious disorders; shortness of breath, chronic cough or respiratory weakness; gynecological cysts, growths or tumors; chronic low back pain and/or weakness, sciatica; arthritis and rheumatism; and a generalized state of devitalization and low energy.
What Is Constipation?constipation1-main_full
Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person. Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week. Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long. After three days, the stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass.
You are considered constipated if you have two or more of the following for at least 3 months:
  • Straining during a bowel movement more than 25% of the time
  • Hard stools more than 25% of the time
  • Incomplete evacuation more than 25% of the time
  • Two or fewer bowel movements in a week
What Causes Constipation?
Constipation is usually caused by a disorder of bowel function rather than a structural problem. Common causes of constipation include:
  • Inadequate water intake
  • Inadequate fiber in the diet
  • A disruption of regular diet or routine; traveling
  • Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility
  • Eating large amounts of dairy products
  • Stress
  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids
  • Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners) which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles
  • Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis
  • Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum
  • Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills)
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Pregnancy
In some cases, lack of good nerve and muscle function in the bowel may also be a cause of constipation.
Constipation is a common and often distressing problem, but the first line of attack should not be a laxative and especially not the type of laxative that prompted warnings from the Food and Drug Administration, experts say.
As health conditions go, constipation — usually defined as having fewer than three bowel movements a week or having stools that are hard, dry and difficult to pass — rarely makes the news. But it’s probably not news to most people that almost everyone suffers from it from time to time. Women and people over age 65 are especially affected. About 42 million people at a time, or 15% of the population, have constipation, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Many of those people will, sooner or later, find themselves in a drugstore aisle, looking for relief and finding what can be a confusing array of products. Among those products: enemas and oral solutions containing sodium phosphate, an ingredient the FDA says can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, especially when taken too often or in higher-than-recommended doses. Most at risk, the FDA says, are young children; people over age 55; those taking several common medications, including diuretics and ibuprofen; and those with kidney disease, heart problems, bowel obstructions or inflamed colons.
NOTE: Some laxatives are dangerous when misused, FDA warns
Before most people reach for any laxative, they should look at their diet and lifestyle, says Eric Widera, a specialist in geriatrics at the University of California-San Francisco. “The ultimate goal is prevention,” he says. Eating more fiber, from fruits, vegetables and grains, is the first step, he says, because that adds bulk to stools and helps move digestion along.
Drinking plenty of water, and exercising are recommended, though the evidence they work is not as good, says Spencer Dorn, a gastroenterologist at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
Get Extra help for your digestion systems with C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals. It contains 12 Digestive Enzymes in each capsules. 

What are the differences between Vitamins and Phytonutrients?

Most of the common mistakes of the people are that they do not know the differences of vitamins and phytonutrients. They always say “I have multi vitamins and it has everything in it” or “I have Centrum  and it has Vitamins from A to Z” and most people claimed that they don’t need anymore of that phytonutrients since their multi vitamins has EVERYTHING it and it will keep them healthy. So, here is the difference between these two commonly-confused compounds and detail the importance of each.
VITAMINS: It is derived from the word “vitamine” which means “vital to life”. By definition, vitamins are substances that are need for life. So what are the functions of the vitamins then?
Vitamins1. They are essential for the normal growth and development of our body. These vitamins must also be consumed in adequate amounts to support normal body functions throughout the lifespan. The Food and Drug Administration determines the recommended daily amount of vitamins that should be eaten each day (That is why our parents always told us when we are little to “EAT YOUR VEGETABLES AND FRUITS BECAUSE IT IS NUTRITIOUS AND HAS LOTS OF VITAMINS FOR YOU TO BECOME STRONGER AND TALLER WHEN YOU GROW UP”.
2. Vitamins are required by our body to keep it healthy and strong ( This is one of the reason why professional athletes and body builders and have a strict diet during competition, they choose, a diet consists of different vegetables and fruits that contains different class of vitamins.
3. Vitamins plays a role in all of our body’s metabolic processes and the areas of health that they support are:
• Vitamin A: vision, skin, hair, bones, immunity
• Vitamin C: antioxidant
• Vitamin D: bones, teeth
• Vitamin E: antioxidant
• Vitamin K: blood clotting
• B vitamins including B-6, B-12, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and biotin: energy production, red blood formation, nervous system
A deficiency in any one of these vitamins can result in poor health. For example, if any of these vitamins are eaten in adequate amounts, but Vitamin A intake is low, night blindness and lowered immunity may be the result.
Some facts about vitamins are:
1. Our body cannot produce most of the vitamins so we need to ingest it through foods or food supplements (vitamins pills).
2. Deficiencies of the vitamins can caused immediate detrimental effects ( You will experienced more leg cramps if you are low in potassium, that’s is why banana will relieve you from leg cramps and prevent leg cramps)
1. Fat Soluble Vitamins – VITAMINS A, D ,E , K
a. These Vitamins can be stored in the body up to six months ( you don’t need to consume it everyday)
b. Fats or lipids help these vitamins to absorb better in intestinal tract (this is the reason why its called fat soluble vitamins)
c. Prone to develop hypervitaminosis since these vitamins can accumulate in the body (Too much of everything is bad right?)
2. Water Soluble Vitamins- Vitamins B complex (Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine, Biotin, Folic acid, Cyanocobalamin, and Vitamin C)
a. These vitamins can be excreted in our body through urine (So even your intake of these vitamins are too much, the excess will just be remove through your body by peeing, so suffering for hypervitaminosis are rare unlike in the fat soluble vitamins)
b. Since it water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored, you have to take it again the every single day. (Which is hard in these days)
c. Alcohol decreases the level of all water-soluble vitamins. (That is why there is a commercials that says take these vitamins C if you are smoking)
To summarize: we need vitamins to maintain normal functions in our body and for our daily activities like standing, walking, running balance, vision, energy release and many more.
PHYTONUTRIENTS: The prefix “Phyto” is from the Greek and means plant, and it is used because Phytonutrients are compounds found ONLY in PLANTS (Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, etc) that have been shown to be necessary for sustaining human life and improve human Health.
videocap_phyto2Phytonutrients contain disease-preventing compounds that strengthen immunity and offer anti-aging benefits. The specific effects of phytonutrients in the body vary tremendously, ranging from antioxidants to hormone metabolism to anti-carcinogen activity.
Phytonutrients are categorized based on their structure or their function. The major classes of phytonutrients classes are:
The indoles are found in foods that contain high vitamin C levels. Indoles work in synergy with vitamin C to offer many health benefits including anti-carcinogenic effects, inhibition of free radical activity, aiding in hormonal balance, and enhancing cell nourishment.
Examples of phenols include resveratrol and isoflavones. Phenols serve to prevent oxidative damage from free radicals. They also have a strong protective role in the cardiovascular system including lowering blood pressure, clot formation, and vascular inflammation. The isoflavones have been shown to reduce the risk for osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease.
Phytosterols are found in green and yellow vegetables. Their primary function is to block cholesterol absorption and to rid the body of extra cholesterol, both of which may help reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Phytosterols are also strong anti-carcinogens, especially helpful in the prevention of prostate, colon, and breast cancer.
Terpenes are found in green fruits and vegetables as well as in soy products and grains. Terpenes are strong antioxidants that protect against free radical proliferation and tumor growth. Beta-carotene is a terpene that reduces the risk of macular degeneration and various cancers including lung, colorectal, breast, uterine and prostate
Thiols are found in onions, garlic, and cruciferous vegetables. The thiols also prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. Thiols can also inhibit the activity of toxins produced by certain bacteria.
c247 completefoodsThe concept of food synergy is now a well-accepted term in the scientific community. Food synergy is the synergistic influence of foods and the components found in foods on human health.
So, To fight the diseases like flu, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, stroke, high blood pressure etc. and for longer life….You needPhytonutrients everyday.